Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day, 2014 and the Night Before

Dear Reader,

The night of December 31, 2013, was not what I had expected.

Of course, we had the customary "Goodbye to the Old Year, Hello to the New" service. That was not unusual. Walking back home through a crowd of sweaty, dazed, maybe slightly drunk partygoers was a little unusual.

But being locked out of our family home for a good thirty minutes was completely unexpected. (A barking dog, a worried maid, three closed doors, and one metal latch contributed to that outcome.)

And fireworks occurred until the early hours of the New Year. And then I had a particularly disturbing nightmare.

Not exactly an auspicious start, am I right?

Other than that, January 1, 2014, passed quietly for me. My family went out for grocery shopping and spent the remaining time at home doing chores or amusing ourselves. I watched "Despicable Me 2" and did cross-stitching.

What lesson did I take from these events?

I can choose to let the events of the past affect my behavior and choices for the present and future.

Or I can choose to place my past where it belongs - in God's hands - and to not worry about the future - which is also in His hands - because He is with me in the present moment. And for forevermore He will be, as long as I cling to Him.

This goes for you as well, my dear reader. Shall we dwell and linger on the past, refusing to look forward? Or shall we move to the future with wisdom gained from past mistakes?

As we endeavour to grow in God in the following year, may He give us strength and wisdom to do what is right.

May God bless you all.

Yours Truly,
A Minister's Daughter

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