Friday, January 31, 2014

A Question About Hell

Dear Reader,

My family and I visited the home of our eldest relative - a Chinese tradition for the Lunar New Year. This eldest relative is beloved of the family, and the Christians have been hoping and praying for his salvation.

He always refuses, as he believes that he must stay with traditional Chinese religion in order to be reunited with his wife in the afterlife.

As Christians, we know there is a heaven and a hell. All sinners who reject Christ's atonement for their sins will go to hell, a place of eternal torment.

Stop and think. Hell is a place of fire and brimstone. There's no water. One remembers his thirst. (See story of the rich man and Lazarus in the Bible.) One burns. Now imagine that lasting not for a second, but for an eternity.

The doctrine of hell isn't something that is talked about. Many churches don't teach this simply because we do not understand why there even is a hell in the first place.

We ask ourselves. Why would a loving God who created man in His own image condemn that same creation to eternal torment? Since God is so loving, hell can't be real, we reason.

I never studied theology. I don't know all those fancy terms and phrases. All I know is this.

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, there were severe consequences. Man now knew both good and evil. God, being holy and righteous, could not allow man to come before Him as he was. Sin stained man and separated man from God.

"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23

God did not want this separation, so He established a plan of atonement and redemption, culminating in Christ's death and resurrection. Man no longer had to be separated from God, since atonement was given as long as they chose to accept it.

Why do people go to hell?

I think God honors one's choice. If you refuse Christ's atonement, you condemn yourself to be punished for your sins.

This is my rather imperfect understanding of it. To be honest, it's a question I find myself contemplating recently.

Do you have any insight into this matter, my dear Reader? I would love to know what you think on this topic and to hopefully enlighten my understanding. I would be most grateful if you could reference Scripture as well.

I am looking forward to reading your comments on this matter.

Until then, may God watch over you and yours.


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