Friday, June 28, 2013

His Ways Are Higher

Dear Reader,

If you recall, in my last post I spoke of my disappointment and confusion when I was rejected by two Singaporean universities.

I was left wondering what on earth God wanted me to do.

And most of all, I wondered if the problem was me.

Had I been arrogant when I applied to those unis? Was I a failure for being rejected?

I didn't know.

And that made me very reluctant to apply to other unis for fear of another rejection. Of once more missing what God wanted me to do.

My parents had to practically force me out of my self-pity party and drag me to apply to other places.

And you know what? I'm glad they did.

On their advice, I applied to places in Australia, secretly doubting I'd be accepted.

To my shock, I was accepted by a uni that ranked higher than the two Singaporean unis that rejected me. It is one of Australia's well-known Great 8 unis.

And I was left amazed and in awe of what Jesus has done.

Is this His will for me? Was this where He had wanted me all along?

Only God knows.

What I do know is His ways are higher than our ways.

Many times His plans are not the same as what we plan.

Thank God for that.

I hope this encourages you as it has encouraged me.

Keep trusting God and believing in Him. He knows our future, our hopes, our dreams, our hearts.

Yours truly,
A Minister's Daughter

Jeremiah 29:11

Song of the Moment: "Lord, I Offer My Life" by Don Moen

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