Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ready to Die?

Dear Reader,

Today is the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

It has been twelve years, and yet the event has left such an impression that it has not been forgotten by the world.

But, as many others undoubtedly have written on that matter, I will not endeavour to do so.

Instead, for now, allow me to share what I think about those behind the attacks, namely the Muslims.

Consider the following.

The Muslims were and are not afraid to die for the sake of Allah. They were and are willing to lay down their lives, their time, their resources, for the promise of eternal paradise. They pray five times a day. They faithfully follow the precepts and commands given in the Qur'an and other holy works.

And they do all of this without any thought of self-gain.

Let that sink in.

Christians, if I may, I would like to ask the following.

If you were to die tonight for the sake of the gospel, what thoughts will run through your mind? If you were given the choice of denying Christ and living or of clinging to Him and dying, which would you choose?

Simply put, are you ready to cling to Jesus, even if it means the end of this life? Even if it means death?

Are you willing to sacrifice your time and resources to make Christ known? Are you willing to spend time in prayer? Are you willing to cast aside your flesh to obey the law and precepts laid out in the Bible?

Think about it.

Many times, we don't ask ourselves these questions because they make us uncomfortable. In our prosperity and in our comfort zone, we tell ourselves that we don't have to think about such matters since we will never be in that type of life-and-death situation. We think those questions are irrelevant to our circumstances.

Does anyone agree or disagree?

Honestly, I tell you that, in a life or death situation, I don't know what I'll choose. Jesus? Or my life?

But what profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?

Hey, listen. It's likely that you won't ever be in such a situation.

What I'm asking is, do you have the conviction for you to be willing to die for Christ?

The Muslims are always ready to die for the sake of Allah. Christians, are you prepared or ready to die for Jesus?

"We Muslims pray five times a day and obey the Qur'an. We do everything we should. What about you Christians? We ask, what can we do for God? But you Christians ask, what can God do for me?"

The above quote came about in a conversation between a Muslim and a Christian, a friend of a friend.

Something to ponder and pray about.

Would love to know what you think.

Love you all dearly.

Yours truly,
A Minister's Daughter

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